Jerry of the Circus, homeless and orphaned, young Jerry Dugan finds himself in the midst of the Randall Brothers Circus. After being presented with a cryptic note penned by his late father stating that “Jerry has circus in his blood,” the owner Sam Randall offers Jerry and his dog, Rags a place to stay. This old radio show narrated a heart-warming tale of a child’s struggle to adapt to the adversities in life. As Jerry slowly adjusts to life in the big top, he makes both friends and enemies along the way. As the series progressed, Jerry is reunited with his long lost uncle, Decker who was circus’ resident animal trainer. It is later revealed that Decker Dugan was a famous game hunter suffering from amnesia. His last request of Sam Randall before reclaiming his former life was to prompt the circus owner into making Jerry his official ward. Syndicated by Bruce Eells in 1937, Jerry of the Circus made its mark in the golden age of radio as one of the most imaginative and delightful old time radio series geared towards the younger generation.