Immerse yourself in the stirring coming-of-age tale of David Copperfield, a classic novel by Charles Dickens, through the GSMC Audiobook Series. Originally serialized between May 1849 and November 1850, this timeless story navigates the journey of the protagonist as he strives to cultivate a disciplined heart amidst trials and tribulations, all in the pursuit of a fulfilled life. Experience the golden age of audiobooks, brought to you by the GSMC Audiobook Series, featuring the unedited works read by some of the finest performers.
PLEASE NOTE The GSMC Podcast Network brings to you these shows and audiobooks as historical content that might not always align with the current politically correct society and may not necessarily express the views, standards, or beliefs of Golden State Media Concepts or the GSMC Podcast Network. Our aim is to entertain, educate, and offer you a glimpse into the past.